IP Reputation Check

IP Address Reputation Lookup & API

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Use this free tool to accurately check IP Reputation using leading IP address intelligence. Lookup IP reputation history which could indicate SPAM issues, threats, or elevated IP fraud scores that could be causing your IP address to be blocked and blacklisted.

The most common reason for elevated IP risk scores is due to previous abusive behavior from the IP address. This could include sending SPAM, compromised devices, or any form of suspicious behavior. High risk connections such as Proxies & VPNs can also negatively impact IP address reputation. Perform real-time checks using our IP address reputation API.

Accurately Check IP Reputation History

Millions of the internet's most popular sites use IP reputation to detect bots, block email SPAM, prevent fake registrations, and verify users or payments. IP Reputation is so important, that it can cause your company's email to automatically go to the spam folder by triggering spam filters, prevent purchases online through fraud prevention measures, or even block your login to Netflix or Hulu.

IP address reputation is based on the neighborhood of your IP address, such as if it's registered to a data center, hosting provider, residential or wireless network. Some services outright block entire neighborhood's of IP addresses due to poor IP reputation or if many addresses within that subnet are frequently engaging in suspicious behavior which produce high IP fraud scores. Your IP's threat status as seen by major brands online is also determined by these factors.

IP reputation history also plays a major factor in the IP's current risk score. Proxy & VPN IP addresses or any that allow anonymized connections to be tunneled through their network can invite bad actors such as cybercriminals or fraudsters. These users tend to abuse IP addresses by committing fraud or abusive behavior which has a negative impact on the IP score. IP reputation services monitor abuse reports through IP history events and online behavior to identify blacklisted IPs.

IP Reputation Use Cases

Lookup IP Reputation for any IPv4 and IPv6 address with worldwide coverage by using the tool on this page or our IP reputation API. Continue reading below to learn more about how to remove your IP address from blacklists that could be hurting IP reputation scores. Alternatively, you can also check domain reputation using leading data by IPQS.

IP Reputation Scores Explained

Fraud prevention companies assign an IP risk score which can be used to analyze user quality. IP fraud scores are usually calculated during registration, login, or when making purchases online. IP address risk scores are elevated whenever malicious behavior online is reported through a honeypot trap or if a site automatically reports feedback to a blacklist provider. Our IP reputation service tracks recent abuse reports through our vast network of IP address data. Multiple abuse incidents in a short period of time will indicate higher IP risk.

What Is IP Address Reputation?

IP reputation can best be explained as the estimated behavior quality exhibited by an IP address. IPs frequently used by bots, fraudster, or cybercriminals will naturally have much lower IP reputation (and higher IP risk scores) than an address used for legitimate browsing behavior online. IPQS translates internet protocol (IP) reputation history into an intelligent IP address fraud score. Since every user browsing a site has an IP address, it is the quickest way to determine a user's intentions.

How Can I Improve IP Reputation?

It is common for users that have recently taken over a new IP address with a tarnished reputation to cleanup past issues. First, identify which blacklists your IP address is currently blocked on. The free reputation lookup tool above will identify specific IP blacklists that currently list your address. It is also recommended to use the bot IP address check to detect if the IP has been compromised or used by malicious bots.

Each of these blacklist services offers a way to delist IP addresses in their IP reputation database. Navigate to the site(s) where your IP address is blacklisted and follow their process to delist. Most services will delist IP addresses within 24 hours of the request, which can lower your IP fraud score across popular online services. It is important to maintain healthy reputation once your IP address has been removed from any blacklists, since repeat entries into these blacklists may hurt your chance of getting delisted in the future.

Quick Guide to Managing IP Reputation

If you are sending marketing or transactional email from your IP address, it's best to use an email address validation service to scrub invalid emails from your marketing lists. Low bounce rates will ensure that mail service providers do not blacklist your IP address or negatively impact the IP fraud score. Regular email cleaning will also remove spam traps and spam complainers that can add your IP address to third party blacklists.

If you are using your IP address for routine browsing rather than sending email messages, then not acting suspiciously online is the best advice for managing IP reputation and maintaining a healthy IP fraud score for your connection. Provide real information on registration forms, avoid creating duplicate accounts, and stay away from hacking or website attacks as honeypot traps can quickly add your IP address to active blacklists.

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Tools To Monitor IP Reputation

In addition to using the IP address reputation lookup tool on this page, MultiRBL provides a great free service for checking IP health. MultiRBL checks over 200 mail server blacklists and currently supports both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. If you having issues with your IP reputation score for email marketing then you can also use our email spam checker to test your messages for reputation issues. Using an IP reputation API service is the most effective way to monitor IP reputation for any changes in risk scoring.

Is An IP Reputation List Available?

IPQS monitors over 4 billion IPv4 addresses and hundreds of billions of IPv6 addresses in today's ever changing threat climate. With such a large amount of data, we recommend using our IP Reputation API to analyze ip risk. An IP reputation database solution is also available for download to perform on-premise IP fraud score lookups.

Please reach out to our team to inquire about our downloadable IP reputation list or locally hosted database.

IP Warming Best Practices

Warming up IP addresses is a best practice for any use case involving email marketing or transaction email sending. During an IP warm up period, email sending volume is slowly increased. This allows sending patterns to appear more natural to mail service providers and anti-spam services. The recommended schedule for an IP warm up strategy is to start with a maximum of 50 emails per day to avoid spam filters, and then double that value every 3 days. This schedule provides the best opportunity to maintain healthy IP reputation while avoiding blacklists.

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